lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2009

Getting Started

So I found a couple days ago this web site called metaRL. It gives you free lindens, peds, invu credits, Therebucks, habbo coins, gaia gold and ray for you to use in the virtual worlds just by playing some games, completing a few surveys, doing some very easy task and participating in contest!! It's not a fraud, it's a real thing and it really works.

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So the first thing you have to do is register to the web site, , it is absolutely free and you don't even need to tell your personal info!! just a valid e-mail adress for you to receive the password they give you, an username that you like and the name of your avatar so they know who they have to send the money, of course =)

Ok, so now what? I'm going to explain to you guys how to start making money!! First of all, you have to know that what you win is metaPoints, and then you change them for lindens, invu credits or whatever you like. Here it is a table that shows the metaPoints conversion:

They are very easy games that you can play for earning money but I don't usually play them because they give you so little metaPoints. If you are feeling lucky you can play Paper, Rock, Scissors, Slot machines, Coins Toss and Crack The Safe, a game where you can try to guess a 3 digital combination number to open the safe and get all the metaPoins inside. You bet x amount of metaPoints you like and hope you win. There's a Money Tree that you can use only 1 time per day that gives you metaPoinst for free, but like I said, a litlle amount of metaPoints, so don't get excited.

If you go where it says "Earn mP" then you would see a list of offers and surveys you can complete and get some metaPoints. Some of them are free, others you can make them by using your cellphone and the rest of them you have to deposit some real life money, and about a few minutes, hours or days you can start making metaPoints!!

Ok, these are my favorites =) Some of them are fast and you can easily get a bunch of metaPoints in no time!
I like the "Friend Comments" very much, if you have a myspace, hi5,
friendster or tagged acount you know that you can post graphic comments on your friends to just say hi or wish them a happy birthday. So, metaRL has a bunch of really nice graphic comments that you can use so for every friend profile you comment, you earn 1 metaPoint. If you have 300 friends, comment on them all and get 300 metaPoints!!

Other task is "Myspace Profile". You have to add myspacebrand profile to your friend list and then choose from a variety of very nice myspace layouts and after you do that, submit your Myspace URL below so they can verify you have a layout. You earn 40 metaPoints and get a very cool layout!

There is a lot of task, like doing a metaRL video were you can tell other people how to get money in virtual worlds by using metaRL, add metaRL Island to your picks on second life, get an INVU Homepage Layout (just like the myspace layout) creating a blog like this one and talk about metaRL, etc. Some of them you can use your referral link and earn referrals and get paid for it!!

Really, it's a very nice web page that would help you a lot! =) and remember, get register here:

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